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Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

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Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010


1.1 Background of the study

A language is an arbitrary system of articulated sound made use of by group of human as a means of carrying on the affair of their society. Language makes it possible for members of a community to communicate, interact and cooperative in various different forms.
English is considered internationally as a means of communication. People compete through-out the word to survive, due to the rapid development of science and technology; the mastery of English is a compulsory. English is used as telecommunication tools. Therefore the English makes the mastery of it very crucial. Now English is becoming an obligation to have effective communication skills and resources. English is an important role in communication all over the world, students need to be sufficiently mastered English communication skills, both oral and written.

In fact, vocabulary however is one aspect of language that should be taught in teaching English as foreign language. Ones will be able to communicate their thoughts or feelings as well as grasp the ideas transmitted to them successfully, if they keep large vocabulary stock in mind. In relation to this study, Brown (1976: 3-4) confirms that words basic structure blocks of language; in fact survival level of communication can take quite comprehensible when people simply link words together without any grammatical rules applying at all. So, if we are interested in being communicative, words are among the first orders of business.

Based on this authenticity, recently, methodologist and linguists have increasingly been turning their attention to vocabulary, stressing its importance in language teaching and reassessing some of the ways, it is taught and learnt (Harmer, 1998: 61). It means that vocabulary plays a very essential task in language teaching, developing students’ skill namely listening, speaking, reading and writing skill, the acquisition of meaning is well thought-out as the reader previous knowledge and learning.

There are several reasons for learning English. First, the high school curriculum has determined that English is a compulsory subject. Second, some people learn English because they want to be effective to speak it in society. Third, some people learn English because they realize that they’ll have a better chance for advancement in their future and also to be easer to get good job. Fourth, some others learn English because they want to continue their studies to English speaking country where it is used as a national language and during classroom instruction.

In teaching vocabulary the teachers frequently, just follow the instruction in the students’ textbook such as explaining the material in the book, then giving the students some examples and after that asking the questions in the book. The teacher need not try to expand the students’ vocabulary or to give more chance to determine the meaning of the word in the text. However, according to Cyntia and Johnson (2004: 2) state that, by giving much opportunity to learn new words and effective instruction, most students can acquire vocabulary at rates, that will improve their comprehension, this enables them to read any reading text fluently.

Cross as citied by Asril (2003: 1) states that vocabulary as one of English language component, is significant for understanding meaning and communication. Considering the problem that is commonly faced in teaching vocabulary, especially the difficulty of students in constructing the meaning of unknown words when they encountered them in reading, therefore the writer then, tries to propose a strategy called vocabulary self-collection strategy to help students construct the meaning of unfamiliar words, understand the words faster with less boredom.

Vocabulary self-collection is a strategy that can help the students in identifying and learning terms that are the keys to a text or passage. Based on Ruddel, M.R. & B.A. (2002) this strategy can help students to learn independently and teaching learning process becomes active. The researcher is doing this under title “Teaching Vocabulary through Vocabulary self-collection Strategy” to the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011.

1.2 Statement of Research Question

Based on the description in the background the researcher can formulate the research question as follow: To what extent can vocabulary self-collection strategy improve the achievement of the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Methodologically speaking, any scientific investigations should determine its objective of study. This study is to find out that to what extent teaching vocabulary through vocabulary self-collection strategy can improve the achievement of the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011.

1.4 Limitation of the Study

Teaching English especially teaching vocabulary actually has a broad and wide scope of coverage. There are so many things can be taken as the subject matters to be observed by people who want to do a research in this field. In this study, remembering the limitation of time the writer have, the writer will decide to narrow down the scope of the discussion of this study to point only, so that this research will be more focus or more specific.
This study is only limited to the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011 by focusing on teaching vocabulary through vocabulary self-collection strategy.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The finding of this study will be expected to indicate significant theoretical and information on the importance of using vocabulary self-collection strategy in teaching vocabulary.
Theoretically, vocabulary self-strategy can be used to improve the students’ achievement of vocabulary. The finding are going to be expected to be useful as a valuable input or feedback in creasing the effectiveness of the students vocabulary achievement.

1.6 Assumptions

There are some variables assumed that the researcher wants to concern in this study. They are as follows.
1. The second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011 have enough reading skill mastery.
2. The students under study are assumed to have the same motivation in learning English.
3. The English teachers of SMP N 2 Kuta are assumed to have been qualified enough in teaching English.

1.7 Hypothesis

Based on the previous discussion, the hypothesis can be formulated such as follow.
Vocabulary self-collection strategy can improve the students’ vocabulary achievement of the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

Some operational definitions are given in order to avoid misunderstanding. Two terms are defined operationally as follows.
a. Vocabulary is defined as the ability of the students in understanding usage of new words as suggested by English teaching syllabus of SMP N 2 Kuta in which the students’ vocabulary mastery will be improved through series of teaching session and also vocabulary is list of words in the book that is usually with the meanings or translations (Hornby: 1987: 47). Vocabulary means having a great skill or knowledge, in this study refers to the students’ ability in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.
b. Self-collection strategy is defined as a technique of teaching that is used to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement in which the students will be involved in the process collecting the object that on their interest, advantages or pleasure and make personal connections words while reading.

1.9 Theoretical Framework

The fundamental theoretical framework here or follow, are going to be conducted in review of related literature. The theoretical framework is as follow.
1) Definition of vocabulary
2) The important of vocabulary
3) Kind of vocabulary
4) Technique of teaching vocabulary
5) Technique of teaching vocabulary through vocabulary self-collection strategy
6) Assessment of vocabulary.

1.10 Research Methodology

1.10.1 Subject of the Study

This class action study is mainly intended to give solution of learning problems that is faced by particular group of students, in this case, the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta, which is located at Jl. Dewi Saraswati Seminyak, Kuta. The second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta in academic year 2010/2011 are assumed to have similar knowledge background.
After conducting a preliminary study and asking the English teacher who teaches in the second year students of SMP N 2 Kuta, the researcher decided to conduct this action study to class IIC of SMP N 2 Kuta. The class still have crucial problem in vocabulary mastery. It is clearly seen from the participation of the students in every classroom activities where most of them are facing some difficulties in communicating or expressing their idea whether in speaking or writing skill. Unless these problems in acquiring active vocabulary are overcome or defeated.

1.10.2 Research Design

Nunan (1992: 75) states that research is a process involving defining a problem, stating an objective and formulating any hypothesis. This study belongs to classroom action research (CAR). CAR of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (1) their own social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of the practices and (3) the situations in which the practices are carried out. In term of method, a self-reflective spiral of cycle of planning, acting, observing and reflecting, are central to the action research approach. This classroom action investigation made use of a number of pre-test, post-test research design. This classroom action study is concerned with the effectiveness of the vocabulary self-collection strategy in teaching vocabulary, the study started by administrating initial reflection (IR) to the subject which has intended to evaluate the exiting communication skill of the subjects.

In this classroom action study, teaching and learning process are divided into two cycles where each cycle consists of four sessions. The each session will be done in four interconnected activities, i.e. planning (P), action (A), observation (O), and reflection (R). It is necessary to note that IR is a term normally used in the classroom action research which refers to pre-test in communication skill. The IR that is going to be administrated is from the students in class IIC of SMP N 2 Kuta where that class as the subject of the study. IR should be done in order to measure the real pre-exiting communication skill of the subject. The mean score of the IR will be compared with the corresponding of the R administrated at the end of the each session. Statistically, the mean score of the IR is the standard in getting the result of the study, whether the subject is improved by this strategy, vocabulary self-collection strategy or not.

1.10.3 Research Instrument

In collecting data, there are several instruments used such as.
a. Questionnaire
The questionnaire will be conducted to the subject of study after the completion of cycle I. This is done to get a clear picture of the students learning behavior changes when they are taught vocabulary by using vocabulary self-collection strategy.
b. Test
The test particularly consists of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is done to find out the students vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, the post-test will be constructed in the form of multiple choices with 10 items, in order to know their improvement.

1.10.4 Data Collection

Before the teacher is received out, the researcher will administer pre-test to the students in order to know their initial ability as well to find the problem faced by them. The result is used as an initial reflection. Then in every unit presentation, the researcher will concern in improving the students achievement by vocabulary self-collection strategy. And the researcher will administer a pots-test at the end of the cycle to find the result of the action.

1.10.5 Data Analysis

The most important data required to answer the research question under study will be collected through administrating IR and post-test, and some additional supporting data were gathered through administrating questionnaires to the subject under study. Consequently, there are considerably three kinds of raw scores obtained for the this study, that namely the following:
1). Scores indicating the subjects’ pre-exiting mastery in vocabulary,
2). Scores showing the subject’ progress achievement in vocabulary; and
3). Scores showing the subjects’ changing behavior.

The data obtained for this study will be analyzed descriptively so as to reveal the extant of the subjects’ progress or increasing mastery in vocabulary. That is, the mean scores obtained by the subjects in IR (Xo) will be compared with its corresponding mean scores in reflections or pots-test for both cycle I and cycle II. The scores showing the subjects’ positive changing behaviors will be computed in the form of percentages which refers to respective items on the questionnaires. The mean of IR scores and post-test scores will be calculated and computed. The great mean of cycle I and II, will be calculated by totaling the mean of the scores in each cycle and then will be divided by four. The amount of the differences between the two means will show the increasing of the effectiveness of cycle I and II.

To give the students or the subjects mark so the data will be easy to calculate is as follows.


90 – 100 Excellent
80 – 89 Very good
65 – 79 Good
55 – 64 Sufficient
0 – 54 insufficient


A. Pendekatan Lingkungan

Kegiatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan ini dapat dimulai dari atau mencakup hal-hal peristiwa yang pernah dialami dan terdapat di lingkungan siswa. Penyampaian bahan pelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini akan mudah dipahami dan lebih bermakna karena bertitik tolak dari suatu hal yang nyata. Adapun lingkungan yang dimaksud adalah; lingkungan alam, social, dan budaya serta keluarga yang pada waktu tertentu dapat dipakai sebagai wahana dan sumber belajar. Semua jenis mata pelajaran dapat menggunakan pendekatan ini pada kegiatan pembelajarannya.

B. Pendekatan Penemuan ( Inquiry )

Pendekatan ini mendorong dan mengarahkan siswa untuk melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam proses belajar-mengajar dengan melakukan berbagai kagiatan penelitian saderhana. Kegiatan tersebut dapat berupa mengumpulkan data melalui pengamatan, mencetat dan menafsirkan data serta mengambil kesimpulan. Kesimpulan ini berupa pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki siswa, misalnya konsep, prinsip atau kaidah (penjelasan mengenai suatu benda atau peristiwa). Berbagai metode dapat digunakan secara terpadu dalam pelaksanaan pendekatan inkuiri, misalnya metode eksperimen, widiyawisata, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan lain-lain. Guru dapat memilih metode-metode yang sesuai dengan pengetahuan yang akan dikembangkan. Mata pelajaran yang paling tepat dan sering menggunakan metode ini antara lain adalah Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Matematika, Ilmu Pemgetahuan Sosial, Bahasa Asing dan mata pelajaran tertentu dalam muatan local.

C. Pendekatan Konsep

Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini dipusatkan pada pengembangan konsep dengan menggunakan berbagai metode yang sesuai. Pengembangan konsep dalam pembelajaran ini penting untuk mecegah diajarkannya fakta-fakta yang terlepas-lepas sehinga kurang berkena. Secara umum pembelajaran ini dilaksanakan sebagai berikut. Siswa melakukan kegiatan pengamatan (dengan satu atau lebih indera) untuk mengumpulkan berbagai informasi yang sesuai (relevan) serta manafsirkannya. Dari hasil penafsiran tersebut diambil suatu kesimpulan bersifat umum (generalisasi) yang berupa konsep. Pndekatan ini juga digunakan dalam penyusunan bahan pelajaran suatu mata pelajaran tertentu dalam GBPP, misalanya IPA.

D. Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses

Pendekatan ini menekankan pengunaan keterampilan proses dalam pembelajaran. Keterampilan proses berguna bagi siswa untuk memperoleh, mengembangkan, dan menerapkan konsep. Keterampilan proses meliputi keterampilan mengamati, menafsirkan hasil pengamatan atau informasi, berkomunikasi, mengajukan pertanyaan merancang, dan merencanakan kegiatan terutama kegiatan eksperimen serta menerapkan konsep. Pendekatan ini selalu digunakan bersama-sama dengan pendekatan konsep. Pendekatan ini lebih cocok untuk digunakan pada penyusunan program mata pelajaran, misalnya IPA dalam GBPP.

E. Pendekatan Pemecahan Masalah

Pendekatan ini memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk mengenali masalah, menyusun berbagai gagasan atau kemungkinan pemecahan masalah, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan cara memecahkan masalah tersebut serta mengkomunikasikan hasilnya.

F. Pendekatan Induktif-Deduktif

Pada kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan induktif, siswa menarik suatu kesimpulan dari sejimlah fakta yang berhubungan satu sama lain yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan atau cara lain. Sebaliknya, pendekatan deduktif menhadapkan siswa pada sesuatu yang berlaku umum lebih dahulu, misalnya yang berupa konsep, prinsip, atau hokum dan kemudian mengumpulkan berbagai fakta yang mendukung pernyataan tersebut. Hal ini misalnya dalam mata pelajaran IPA, ada konsep yang berbunyi “air mengalir dari tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah”. Berangkat dari konsep ini, kemudian siswa melakukan percobaan dan mengamatinya bahwa air sungai itu memang mengalir dari tempat yang lebih tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah. Kedua pendekatan ini dapat digunakan pada semua mata pelajaran dalam BGPP.

G. Pendekatan Sejarah

Pendekatan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepada siswa bahwa ilmu penetahuan terus-menerus berkembang berkat ketekunan dan kerja keras para ilmuwan. Pendekatan ini berguna dalam memberikan dorongan kepada siswa untuk bersikap ilmiah, tekun, dan ulet dalam belajar. Pendekatan ini digunakan terutama dalam mata pelajaran IPA, IPS, dan matematika dan juga Bahasa.

H. Pendekatan Nilai

Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini dapat dikembangkan berbagai nilai, seperti nilai moral, estetika (keindahan), dan sebagainya yang terkandung dalam berbagai mata pelajaran, seperti Agama, PPKn, Bahasa, IPA, IPS, Kerajinan Tangan, Kesenian, dan mata pelajaran tertentu dalam Muatan Lokal.

I. Pendekatan Komunikatif

Pendekatan ini mengutamkan pembelajaran bahasa pada pemahaman dan ketrampilan penggunaan bahasa secara nyata dan wajar. Pembelajaran ini menciptakan kondisi-kondisi yang memungkinkan siswa berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa dengan baik, benar, dan wajar serta dapat digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan dan kegunaan.

J. Pendekatan Tematik

Pendekatai ini digunakan dalam pengmbangan dan perluasan bahan kajian melalui tema-tema dan meliputi berbagai aspek kehidupan siswa yang menjadi pemersatu kegiatan belajar. Tema dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia digunakan sebagai pemersatu kegiatan belajar dalam penembangan kemampuan berbahasa, yaitu keterampilan membaca, menulis, mendengarkan, dan berbicara serta pengusaan kosakata dan struktur bahasa itu sendiri. Pendekatan ini juga digunakan dalam mata pelajaran PPKn. Pendekatan ini digunakan baik dalam penyusunan program maupun dalam proses kegiatan belajar-mengajar.


Baharuddin H., Drs, M.Pdi, 2007, Psikologi Pendidikan”Refleksi Teoritis Terhadap Fenomena”, AR-RUZZ MEDIA; Jogjakarta.
Djaali H. Prof., Dr., 2007, Psikologi Pendidikan, Bumi Aksara; Jakarta.
Hamzah B. Uno, Prof., Dr., 2007, Profesi Kependidikan, Bumi Aksara; Jakarta.
______________, Cet.III, 2008, Perencanaan Pembelajaran, Bumi Aksara; Jakarta.
Hasbullah, Ed. Revisi 6, 2008, Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Pendidikan, Raja Grafindo Persada; Jakarta.
Oemar Hamalik, Dr., Cet. VI, 2007, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran, Bumi Aksara; Jakarta.
Zainal Aqib, 2002, Profesionalisme Guru Dalam Pembelajaran, Insan Cendekia; Surabaya.

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010


Pola Pembelajaran di Berbagai Perguruan Tinggi Terpaksa Banting Setir

Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi telah membuat pola pembelajaran segenap dunia kependidikan banting stir. Pada dulunya proses pembelajaran masih bersifat Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) yaitu pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru/dosen yang pada hasilnya siswa hanya dapat mengintimidasi apa yang ada pada guru- guru/dosen-dosen mereka. Akan tetapi sekarang ini sifat pendidikan dan atau sifat pembelajaran di segenap dunia kependidikan berubah menjadi Student Centered Learning (SCL) yaitu pendidikan atau pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa yakni siswa diharapkan mampu mengembangkan pembelajaran dengan sendiri dengan bantuan tehnologi dan informasi “internet”, sementara guru hanya akan memberikan bimbingan dan arahan-nya. Disamping itu penerapan pembelajaran seperti ini, SCT-TI memberikan jaminan akan mutu kelulusan atau out-put yang lebih berdaya-guna dan lebih kompotitif.

Pembelajaran SCT berbasiskan TI ini, kata Tjok. Istri Sri Ramaswati, rektor UNMAS DENPASAR merupakan sebuah keharusan agar lulusan akademika mampu berkompetensi di era global. Lebih lanjut Prof. Dr. Harsono, Sp.p(K), Ketua Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan UGM juga membenarkan bahwa system SCL-TI tersebut akan memberikan pembelajaran yang aktif, interaktif dan mandiri. Disamping itu pola pembelajaran SCL-TI juga sarat dengan pembelejaran kolaboratif dan kooperatif serta kontekstual.

Didalam menunjang pola SCL-TI tersebut penyelenggara pendidikan setidaknya harus menyediakan sarana dan prasarana layanan informasi, “warnet” yang cukup membantu proses pembelajaran SCL-TI tersebut.

Sebagai contoh didalam mengimplementasikan SCL-TI tersebut, Unmas Denpasar, sebuah universitas swasta di Bali telah menjadikan ‘IT & Teaching Media’ sebagai sebuah matakuliah wajib yang dimana mahasiswa harus menempuh atau mendapatkan mata kuliah tersebut. Dismping itu interaksi pembelajaran antara dosen dengan mahasiswa jaga sudah sedang dilakukan melalui jaringan internet yang meskipun masih dalam korps yang sederhana seperti didalam hal-hal pengiriman tugas-tugas melalui e-mail.

Dampak Student Centered Learning (SCL) Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI) Terhadap Mental Mahasiswa

Tak bisa dipungkiri memang kapasitas TI bagi SCL sangatlah penting dimana akan memberikan ruang gerak mahasiswa didalam mengembangkan ide-ide kreatif mereka. Akan tetapi apabila dicermati dan diteliti lebih jauh sesuai dengan kenyataan yang sudah sedang terjadi sekarang ini maka akan dijumpai satu hal yaitu “copy-paste”. Mahasiswa sekarang ini, didalam membuat tugas – tugas, dengan memenfaatkan TI atau internet sebagai sarana untuk mendapatkan infomasi telah bisa mengelabui guru-guru ataupun dosen-dosen yakni dengan teori “copy – paste” artikel–artikel yang didapatkan melalui pencarian di situs – situs internet tersebut.

Pada hakekatnya TI atau internet adalah salah satu media pembatu proses pembelajaran yang dimana mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan informasi – informasi melalui situs – situs internet tersebut sebagai referensi. Namun karena kurangnya rasa tanggung jawab mahasiswa akan etika keilmuan, “copy – paste” menjadi membudaya di kalangan sebagian besar mahasiswa.

Teori “copy – paste” sudah menjadi budaya bagi sebagian besar mahasiswa di berbagai Universitas. Budaya “copy – paste” ini kalau dibiarkan maka akan merusak out-put Universitas itu sendiri. Terlebih lagi budaya “copy – paste” dapat merusak mental mahasiswa. Mahasiswa menjadi acuh tak acuh akan etika keilmuan yakni tanggung jawab, kritis, kreatif serta inovatif. Artinya adalah mahasiswa menjadi tidak kritis, tidak kreatif dan tidak inovatif.

Apabila ditinjauh lebih jauh dan lebih komprehensif, ketidakpedulian mahasiswa akan etika keilmuan tersebut akan menjadikan mahasiswa itu tidak memiliki rasa tanggungjawab (irresponsible student) yang kemudian akan berdampak pada ketidakpercayadirian kerhadap keilmuan yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa itu sendiri.

Membudayanya teori “copy – paste” tersebut pasti ada hal – hal yang menjadi penyebabnya. Strategi yang paling relevan untuk mengatasi suatu masalah adalah menginvestigasi penyebabnya kemudian membuat solusi sebagai pemecahan masalah tersebut.

Penyebab Membudayanya Teori “Copy – Paste” di Kalangan Mahasiswa

Teori “copy – paste” ini membudaya karena; (1) tidak adanya rasa menjunjung tinggi etika keilmuan, (2) penyalahgunaan rasa penghargaan, (3) kurangnya penerapan disiplin evaluasi oleh para penyelenggara itu sendiri.

1. Tidak adanya rasa menjunjung tinggi etika keilmuan.

Sekarang ini etika keilmuan berkesan hanya dijunjung tinggi oleh para pelajar program pasca sarjana saja. Sementara etika keilmuan bagi pelajar program sarjana berkesan tidak berlaku karena teori “copy – paste” sudah membudaya di sebagian besar mahasiswa di kalangan berbagai universitas.

2. Penyalahgunaan rasa penghargaan.

Penyalahgunaan rasa penghargaan yang dimaksud disini adalah dimana guru / dosen masih memberikan nilai penghargaan akan hasil karya “copy – paste”-nya mahasiswa. Kesempatan ini memberikan peluang teori “copy – paste” membudaya di kalangan sebagian besar mahasiswa.

3. Kurangnya penerapan disiplin evaluasi.

Yang dimaksud dengan kurangnya penerapan disiplin evaluasi disini adalah kurangnya penegasan atau semacam punishment terhadap karya – karya “copy – paste”-nya mahasiswa. Kelalaian guru / dosen dalam mengevaliasi hasil karya – karya tulis mahasiswa seperti makalah dan sebagainya juga merupakan bagian daripada kurangnya penarapan disiplin evaluasi.

Solusi Penanggulangan Budaya copy – paste

Adapun salah satu cara atau langkah untuk menghilangkan atau paling tidak meminimalisir “budaya copy – paste” tersebut adalah memingkatkan disiplin evaluasi dengan penuh komitmen yang tinggi. Upaya untuk menunjang hal ini adalah melalui reinforcement dan reward yang objektif.dan realebel. Reinforcement dan reward adalah dua hal yang dianggap paling efektif dan relevan sebagai punishment dalam hal teori pembelajaran.
Akan tetapi sebagai solusi penanggulangan “budaya copy – paste” tersebut sebagian dosen di FE Universitas Udayana menerapkan metode tulis tangan untuk tugas – tugas seperti makalah ataupun tugas – tugas meringkas. Cara semacam ini tidak akan memberikan jaminan akan tidak adanya “copy – paste”, akan tetapi justru akan mempersulit proses pembelajaran.


In Indonesia, English is stated as a foreign language. It is not confused that TEFL (Teaching English as foreign Language) is presented as a course to the student, studying at English Department especially at faculty of education. One of the goals of the TEFL course is the student, when being teachers, are able to understand or to guide their student who are foreign from the English.
Talking about TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) can not go out from talking about the way or strategy that is used when teaching the students who are foreign from the English.
English commonly has four skills i.e. Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing. But there are two fundamental elements can support them, i.e. vocabulary mastery and understanding grammar of the English it self. Both of vocabulary and grammar are essential point that is being a measurement that someone is success in English. This statement has a point that teaching English to students, who are foreign from the English, is teaching vocabulary and teaching grammar or structure although it is indirectly done.
The English, seen from its foreign, many professional teachers state that teachers should not use 100 per-cent English when teaching the English to the student who are foreign from the English although teaching student at college. They even make percentage in detail according to the level of the school or degree of the student. For instance, for Elementary school teachers may use the English 10-25%, for junior high school 25-50% and at senior high school 50-72%, when talking in the class room. This state is not going to close out the impossibility to find it over. The most important thing that should be known is entry behavior of the student it self. It means that entry behavior of the student consequently gives change of the percentages.

A. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary constitutes a very fundamental thing in learning a new language or foreign language. Standing from it, teachers or the candidate of teachers are hard confirmed to make a special point to it. As the teachers or candidates of teachers at the students, who are foreign from the English, should consider about the ways or the strategies that will be used when teaching them. Probably, the approach of association that states that the idea to idea is built by association or connection between the old information and new information or it is more possible to use the approach of field that states that study through the real context. Both of those approach, association & field enable the teachers or the candidates of teacher that are going to teach students, who are foreign from the English to get the good result of the study.
Specifically, in teaching vocabulary to the student who are foreign from the English, the teachers or the candidates of English teacher, at lest should apply the Four ways; (1) approach through pictures, (2) approach through classification of words, (3) approach through the synonyms or antonyms and (4) approach through the acronyms.

1. Approach through the pictures
In this way, the teachers or the candidates of the English teacher should brief their student by presenting some pictures as the material of the study. For instance, when teaching the kinds of fruits, teachers should prepare some picture of the fruits such as picture of apple, mango, durian, grapes, water melon, pumpkin, strawberry, etc. Or when teaching the parts of our body, teachers should also present the picture of head, nose, eyes, leg, eye brow, shoulder, etc. Besides of that, the teachers very possibly enable to use the things around them as the more examples.

2. Approach through classification of the words
This way has many implementations. Collaboration between deductive and inductive approaches will give the teachers a contribution to get a success in teaching the vocabulary. Classification in this term has meaning that mapping the words according to the classes, forms or parts of the words it selves. For examples, according to the class, form or part is words as Noun ( book, table, black or white board, pencil ,etc ), Verbs ( go, come , run, take, give, etc ), Adjectives ( sweet, beautiful, hot, hand some, dark, etc ) and Adverbs ( beautifully, quickly, lately, etc ). Even these examples are possible to be advanced more completely.

3. Approach through synonyms or antonyms
Synonym is the word that has same meanings whereas antonym is the word that has the opposite meanings ( Oxford dictionary ). Doing a feat back through this way, hard enables students in getting plenty of vocabulary mastery.

4. Approach through the acronym
An acronym is a word formed from the letters, initial. In general, acronyms will not be characterized as such since they are entered in the dictionary as normal Indonesian words followed by the expansion of the acronym or a cross-reference to the expansion ( A comprehensive Indonesian – English Dictionary, Alan M. Stevens, A. Ed. Schmidgall – Tellings ).This state gives contribution that the teachers can make the acronyms randomly. Although the acronyms made randomly, teachers could not make it out from logical sense. This way also will enable student to advance their vocabulary mastery.

B. Teaching Structure or Grammar

Grammar or structure is also the initial goal of learning the English. Understanding grammar will give contribution of understanding the English sentences, for advance. By the other said, without understanding grammar well, learners of the English are assumed could not understand the English sentences perfectly.
Standing from the state, teachers or the candidates of the English teacher also should pay point to it. Most of English learners probably would have same opinion of that assumption. It is not important to talk in this discussion as most of the English learners have same assumption of the grammar. Because of talking TEFL, the important things talked, is the ways how the grammar is taught to the student. Our discussion finds two ways of approach for teaching grammar to the student who are foreign from the English i.e. Deductive and Inductive approaches.

a) Deductive approach
In this term, this approach means in which the teachers or the candidates of the English teacher presents the grammar to the students the rules of how to make English sentences firstly, such as the rules of simple past tenses, S + VII + ….,or simple present tenses, S + VI + ……, etc, then followed by some arguments or making some the examples. By the other said that the deductive approach means the approach that from the general things to the specific things.

b) Inductive approach
In this term, this approach is the opposite of the deductive approach in which the teachers or the candidates of the teacher give some describing or examples firstly to get the conclusion or the rules of the English structure it self. Many experts state that this approach is very competence to be implemented when teaching process.


• A comprehensive Indonesian – English dictionary, by Alan M. Stevens, A.Ed. Schmidgall – Tellings.
• Oxford dictionary, 3rd Ed, by Oxford University Press.